VMCC Northumbrian Section.
Although the administrators and moderators of the forum will try to review messages on this forum, it is impossible for us to review them all . All messages express the views of the author, and Northumbrian Section VMCC will not be held responsible for the content of any message. If you do object to the content of any message please use the 'report' button available on each post.'
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News and Announcements
The latest news and announcements regarding the site will be posted in this forum.
3Site Development
Ask any questions about the site, comments or suggestions in here
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Introduce yourself
New to the Northumbrian VMCC? Drop in here and say hello!
1General Bike Chat
Talk about anything related to bikes or the VMCC here
3Off Topic
Anything not related to the VMCC
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Bikes for sale
Members use this board at their own risk. VMCC Northumbria cannot be held responsible for any sale items
0Bike Parts for sale
Advertise your surplus parts here
This is a heading under which you can post details of whatever you want. Please try to keep it motorcycle related.
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Local Events
Events organised by the Northumbrian and immediately surrounding sections
52National Events
Events organised at a national levels by the VMCC and other such bodies.
5Social Runs
Tell people about where you fancy going for a social bimble around the countryside
- Local EventsWell, that's the Christmas and New Year celebrations over for 2024. What treats are on store for us in 2025 I hear you ask. We get straight into the fun with a film night on the 27th Jan at Birtley Golf Club. Probably kick off at about 8.15. Hope to see you there.Like
- Local EventsDear Friends, Chums, those with beards, and those who like Ford Transits!  Let Christmas commence!  Tickets are now on sale for the aforementioned Bunfight – it’s the greatest Christmas Party ever! At Birtley Golf Club!! On the 16th December 2024!!! How many others are there? Grillions but none so good as this one!  At this party, there will be nibbles, films, good craic and of course FOOD!!  The fun, japery and tomfoolery includes standy up bingo, raffles and quizzes to suit all tastes AND that old favourite (no – not our Cultural attaché) –the passy the bucket game!!!! As with all such things, valuable prizes are to be won all over the place and for no apparent reason!!  So (I hear you say) surely such frivolity and japery will be mega expensive? How will I ever afford it on my measly income? Will I have to sell my wife/partner/significant other? Surely, I can’t afford it now I have no heating allowance? Does inflation mean a staggering price increase!!  The answer to all of these worthy questions is a resounding NO!!!  Not whilst I am coming to it at least!!  It only costs YOU £6 a head! THE SAME AS LAST YEAR!!! You have never had it so good (if at all)!  You can pay by cheque, cash or PayPal to me (petebagnall44@hotmail.com). If you are going to use PayPal, please make sure you use the ‘Friends and Family’ option, otherwise we don’t get the full amount and yours truly has to make up the difference.  Please also tell me ahead of time if you are going to come along as we need to get the buffet sorted.  So, buy those tickets, get your Christmas outfit on and come along. The fun will kick off at 8.00’ish so see you there.  It’s going to be good!!  P.S Tickets are limited so get in quick. The first ticket has already been sold!! P.P.S Admittedly to me but you have to start somewhere.Like
- Local EventsThis is to give notice of the Northumbrian Section AGM. This will be held at the Birtley Golf Club on Monday 18/11/2024, starting at 8.30.  Here we’ll discuss the results of events and finances over the previous year, discuss matters arising and any other business. Also the committee for the following year will be elected. Come along and have your say and help the Section to thrive and grow in the years to comeLike